I love low-budget movies, they often are just as good, or better than their big0budget counter parts. "Night Sweats" is a solid mystery film revolving around a mysterious illness, and eve if you guess some of the plot twists, it is well-paced, and intriguing throughout, and sadly, although made 3yrs ago, is a good commentary on our current issues with pharmaceutical companies run amuck. You know, like with what's going on with the still experimental MRNA shots, facilitated by our overlords and beauracratic agencies.
I thought the illness itself and how it manifest was very well-done, and again, the mystery revolving around it was pretty solid. The music was pretty good, the sound is well-done, the cinematography looks a little cheap a times, but is still decent, no poor lighting.
The lead in "Night Sweats" does a solid job, most of the acting is at least average, the only subpar performance being the buff dude who keeps showing up at the scene of those who are sick. He was a little over the top.
A good solid 6.5 star movie, it is above average, and kept me interested until the very end. I did care for the lead character as well, and had empathy for his plight. The ending strains credibility as well, but I cannot say why without ruining some major plot points, I'll just say that it involves something the female character wears and how it plays into the ending, it just would not work that way in reality. O.o
Up to that point, I felt the film was fairly realistic, if a bit silly at times in terms of how easy it was for the lead to integrate himself into the company "True Healing".