I had this on my to watch list of series along with some friends and was persuaded to start it last week by another friend that is a die hard fan of it. I binge on most series and enjoy doing so the only ones I have to go episode by episode are Game of Thrones and Vikings because I can't let them pile up. First episode I was surprised as I thought there was some stereo typing going on there about the Roma but apparently according to others that was kind of dealt with with the community. But i liked it as far as a show goes and continued. Before I knew it I had polished off the first season and went on the the second in less than a weeks time. Half way through the second found out on twitter that Hulu had canceled the series like 2 days ago, which I feel was a bad choice on their parts in so many ways. This show had so much more to give and to enjoy as I have now finished the second season and am disgusted there will be no more. I am hoping they change their mind as this series is just starting to get the traffic it deserves. It is new and fresh and not based on any formula from any other series which cracks me up when people try to type cast something like that when clearly there's no line to do so. I am really amazed when series that I like get canceled that deserve more stories and the inane are allowed to continue. One teen series in particular have only lasted one season was touted as great when I found it mediocre but to each their own.