This movie had a good premise but it soon became apparent it was not what was listed on the tin; this is not really a horror it is more of a horror gore comedy and not very good at that.
I think it must have been made by the animal welfare/vegan nutbag brigade as it definitely seems to turn the tables and put humans in the position of the cows/bulls and so I was looking for some interesting ideas/kills and the aforementioned reviewers mention of over the top gore and well I was most disappointed.
It was your usual low budget horror affair - poor acting, minimal script and that is fine as it is part and parcel of the usual genre but what lets it down are the poor kills and terrible gore effects. I was waiting also for the usual BLM and LGBT narrative and yip within 10 minutes we have a black transexual bodybuilder cowboy and for once it was actually the best idea in the whole thing. Add in a bus full of potential kick-ass pensioners and it could have been interesting as not many horrors involve offing a busload of our aged generation but the pensioners but one were all just cattle to the slaughter so to speak.
From the other reviewers I thought this was going to be a gore-fest but the gore was very tame; the blood looked like paint and the effects were really really bad. There was zero tension and suspense and no real horror as it was loaded with humour (I am not entirely certain that this was meant either). I counted 5 scenes I laughed at - the one armed cowboy become no armed, the pensioner being swung round like a whirlygig and head smashed off a few trees Alienvspredator stylee and 3 other scenes which I will leave you to find for yourself and that was the summary of the laughs.
I feel sorry for Sean Patrick Flannery - from the magnificent Boondock Saints to this...oh my oh my he must really be needing the cash badly and he was the only one in the thing who could actually act!
If you like to see buses of pensioners being tortured (badly) and killed or just not like old people then this might be right up your street but for me it was one of those movies your start and think is going to be interesting but you quickly start pressing the play button to see how long it has to go - never a good sign - Nevertheless it always gets a fair rating from me and its a sad 3/10 from me on this one!