The show is impressive, following in the footsteps of life on mars perhaps most notably within which our protagonist solves various, exclusive cases over a number of episodes Will Wagstaffe (Tom Riley) balances a gruesome career with difficult family and personal relationships and the carrying of grief from his mid teenage years after the death of his parents. Strangely there's not much to link audience and character but still it's fascinating following an emotionally removed and calculated character playing the game so to speak in his day to day dealings. Exploring different murder situations/cases there's a real scale of ability on show adding a level of depth to our protagonist that might not have been there otherwise. Shot quite artfully in a grim, deteriorated Urban London the murders are horrific and the tone is constant and looming in a fantastic manner. Sadly there's a few predictable twists and turns but that's part and parcel of being a mainstream British made police drama, there's little wiggle room so to speak for originality, ending on a heart pounding twist leaving the audience begging for more I recommend a single viewing at least to enjoy a pretty solid slightly art house series