I enjoyed this show for the most part. The judges, however, were EXTREMELY biased. Jennifer Lopez was the worst. She played favorites from the start, any Latino group or boy group she found "cute". She scored the groups she liked exceptionally high, even if they weren't very good. And if she didn't like someone, such as Eva who is an incredibly amazing dancer, she would score them really low.
Derek was the only judge who didn't judge based on favorites. Yes, he had favorites. But he judged fairly.
That is another thing- the scoring was not consistent. The "reasons" for the scoring changed every round and were not consistent between groups.
Eva Igo should have won. The other group had someone injured who danced in a wheelchair, and somehow won because of J-lo. So they moved on, and because of Jennifer Lopez's favoritism they won the competition. Eva had an incredible dance, they did not.