There's plenty of people on here that are taking the series and its historical accuracy too seriously, even to the point that someone seems to figure themselves as more well informed than the Roman historian Mary beard (looking at you Allen). I'm currently undergoing my Masters in Roman History, and just a little newsflash mate, ancient Britain was famous for its warrior queens (esp. Cartimandua and Boudicca) which are mentioned in Tacitus - do your homework and stop thinking you're an expert because you've read Herodotus lol. Also Rome pooled auxiliaries from all over the empire including its North African provinces, and due to the migratory nature of the peoples from Sub-Saharan Africa, and the plethora of reports about peoples below the desert its not unlikely that these people wanted to live in the prosperous North African provinces of the Roman Empire and took up military service with its lucrative benefits. Either way, its not the point; the show captures the perceived mysticism and magical Roman conceptions of Britain well. It was seen by Roman and Greek writers as the land at the end of the world where magic and human sacrifice among other abominations occured. Yes the show deviates away from certain historical events, but the invasion of Claudius was not all that well documented, and it still captures the internal strife and rivalry well, as well as the mysterious prominence of the druids in celtic culture. It's quite sad really how many people are trying to be historians while watching a sky drama: the cast is good, some of the characters are endearing, and for the shows early days, it looks promising. Stop trying to step into academic fields that you're clearly not all that well acquainted and just enjoy the drama. Jheeeeezus.