This film essentially begins with a former government assassin known simply as "Max" (Dallas Valdez) teaming up with his best friend "Dell" (Curt Lambert) to successfully rob an armored car carrying a load of gold bars. Not long afterward, the two go to a bar to celebrate their accomplishment and, while having a few drinks, Max meets a beautiful woman named "Sarah" (Carrie Keagan). One thing quickly leads to another, and they soon fall madly in love. However, as fate would have it, it's also during this time that a zombie apocalypse breaks out and everything changes for the worse from that point on. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this is one of those movies that could have been much better if the director (Mark Allen Michaels) knew what he was doing. Unfortunately, despite some decent acting on the part of both Dallas Valdez and Carrie Keagan, the story bounced around from one subplot to another so fast that it was hard to really develop any interest in the characters involved. Likewise, this bizarre approach also made it difficult to distinguish at times whether this was a comedy or a horror film. Not that there was really that much comedy here. In any case, although I initially had high hopes for this picture, I have to say that I was quite disappointed, and I have rated it accordingly. Below average.