I had no idea what the movie would be about. It seemed to be "just another" teen coming of age drama. There is more to that and I reckon most will already know it unless you are like me and try to watch movies with as little information as possible.
The acting is really good and apart from the usual stuff you may have seen in other movies (Thirteen and Bahnhoff Zoo are two that come to mind) has this otherworldy feel to it, that goes ... under your skin - no pun intended.
Apart from that, there are some sexual situations you may feel uncomfortable with, depending on your own sensibilities. Those do not just involve the main character girl (especially in one scene towards the end), but also video footage that is rather explicit and vividly showing sexual intercourse (pornograhic content you can find on the internet). It's just for a short moment, but in cast this ruins the movie for you, I thought you'd better know.
That all aside the movie ends in the only way that makes ... well sense in a way.