Greetings from Lithuania.
"Terminator: Dark Fate" (2019) surprised me of how well it was made and that I actually enjoyed it. Why surprise? Well because of negative responds from critic and most of regular people. But to me surprise, after seeing it i can only say once thing - "Dark Faith" is like a masterpiece comparing it to "Genesys" and 3rd part. First two of course will ever be on the top, as one of my favorite films ever. And i am in minority when it comes to "Salvation", which i highly enjoyed. So now comes "Dark Faith" and to my surprise as i said it - I liked it, despite its shortcomings. Maybe the plot revelation at very beginning is a very "take it or leave", but i went with it and i highly enjoyed the ride.
Overall, "Terminator: Dark Fate" is an excellent "Terminator" movie. Its well paced (i wasn't bored for a second during its 2 hours run time). Acting by all of them was great, and Linda was superb. Directing was great as well as involving story - although not original and basically a repeat of previous movies. This is a solid action movie that does not reinvent the wheel, but its an entertaining film.