I wasn't sure what I was going to make of this show, based on the mixed reviews here, but actually it's pretty good. I can't see how the complaints of it being a commentary on religion or pushing a "refugee agenda" can seriously be justified except to those who are actively looking for justification of such simplistic theories.
Sure, the story isn't entirely new but it contains enough twists on previous efforts to make it more than watchable and the characters are engaging and believable enough to hold the viewer's interest. For a nice change, one can immerse oneself in the action and plot without the constant groaning at the hammy acting and juvenile story-lines that so many current series invoke.
I read that no decision has yet been taken regarding a second season and it seems that this MIGHT be reflected in the current pace of the action: it's a little too fast, and revelations that are usually saved for later episodes - such as the existence of previous crossing(s) - come rather too early.
All in all, it's an interesting concept and the acting is better than many better-rated shows on now, so I certainly hope that it will be on our screens for as long as the writers manage to hold our attention and keep the story twists coming.