Generally good camera work and colour grading - just a shame that the rest was, at times, an incoherent and inconsistent mess:
* The introduction for each episode was like it was for a different series - as this is an Amazon/Prime series I kept on thinking I needed to skip the preview of an unrelated series only to realise that they were the actual intros for this series
* I guess what was an attempt to capture audiences from different countries/regions meant there was an inconsistent feel to the voice-over accents with a mix of North American and British accents that at times left doubt as to whether you were watching to same program rather than have a single, consistent narrator (see below for more)
* The pseudo race announcer/radio commentary was appalling and killed the series from beginning to end - it was obviously an attempt to create some form of narrative after the fact, however one feels that the exposition would have been better served with text overlays supported by the score/music to create the drama and with a single, consistent narrator/voice-over where necessary
* As for the graphics, they looked pretty nasty and again lacked overall uniformity
* Finally to the subtitles - at times there were subtitles overlayed to the in-car comments and perhaps more difficult to understand audio recordings, yet whole sequences in French and German did not have subtitles meaning one either needed to turn closed captioning on or off in order to follow those scenes...
Overall, it could have been a great series, and the drama around the 24-hour race could have been achieved with a more simplistic and consistent approach to how the narrative was constructed instead of using annoying pseudo race announcers/radio commentary that felt more suitable to a Bio Shock or Fall Out 3 video game.