The movie's main premise is primarily the relationship between the 3 main protagonists, and how Jazz brings them together. The title 'kids on the slope' refers to their high school being situated on top of a hill where each day they have to walk and down the steep slope- which is pretty tiring for them.
I was hoping for more Jazz scenes but it is more of a relational story. The 2 boys come from broken families and music is their main outlet. Along the way there are love triangles, love rectangles, mis-communication, family issues, etc.
The 'hooligan' is actually a nice guy at heart, the other boy really reminds me of Frodo Baggins from Lord of the Rings! His height, mannerisms, looks.
What I like about this movie:
-the movie is set in the late 60s - and all the nostalgia that goes along with it- old record stores, telephones, vinyl record player, vintage cars, etc.
-The music scenes where they jam, performed with each other-the spontaneity and communication between them ( I think in total maybe around 5 main jazz scenes in the whole movie?- 1st basement jam, 2nd basement jam, bar scene jam, school hall performance, church jam).
-The chemistry between the 2 boys.