The characters begin by being one dimensional, and proceed to being completely generic. Stock teenagers #1-4 are joined by robot #1 to fight bad-guy #5. Every episode we just mow down waves of unnamed minions. I think the comparisons to Power Rangers are somewhat unfair, as the rangers always had a unique monster to fight, in the same way, every episode. Ten episodes in, and I can't even remember the names of the Teenagers with Attitude. They make that much of an impression.
The ReBoot name tricked me into giving the first release a full watch, hoping that there would be something to like. Every episode got progressively dumber and dumber until the finale: when the show decided to directly insult the classic fan base.
I really feel I should invoice Rainmaker for the time I spent trying to like this cinematic bowl of cream of wheat. It was at best, bland. I guess some of the robot's faces were kinda funny?