The movie throughout is pretty slow. But that is ok with me, I actually quite enjoyed a lot of the costumes, sets, and props around the movie. The acting for the most part was also very good. It must be difficult to act when in a empty room and talking to someone who isn't there but they pulled it off mostly. Also sometimes the voices were too low to hear over the audio, but most of the time they were alright.
I'm a very big fan of the original H. G. Wells book and I have always loved the original 1933 Invisible Man movie, and I will say after watching this, the 1933 movie is still my favorite and it's also the closest to the original source material of the book. It seems this movie tried to go with the book, but then immediately dropped it 5 minutes in. Which is okay.
I think I preferred this movie over the 2020 movie though. Overall I think a movie like this can work, and for the most part it almost does. What kills it, is that Kemp, the protagonist doesn't seem to have a reason to keep being around Griffin.
Speaking of Griffin, I do not care for the voice of him. The most important feature of the Invisible Man is the voice, Claude Rains is no longer with us, and to me he IS The Invisible Man. The voice in this movie just sounds off, and it sounds modified to be deeper than it really needs to be. Not sure if it is modified or if he just sounds like that.
Last thing is the CGI was pretty bad, I know this is a low budget film, but if you have bad CGI you should use less of it. The really noticeable parts were the 3rd time the same horse and carriage appeared, the rain, the fire, the snow/soup on The Invisible Man, and when Griffin becomes invisible/visible.
Also the ending is sequel bait...