H.Vinoth has given a cult movie !! PERIOD.
The film is a horror-thriller roller coaster. The director gradually holds your hand and takes you to the ride and pushes from a dizzying height of horror and thriller to narrate his true story on notorious Bawaria robbery gang.
As a person who have watched few of the top horror thriller genre movies , but this movie will send chills down your spine , mainly because it has the element of locality, something close happening in India.
Director has taken lots of pain in detailing the movie and as far as i remember, there aren't much holes left , eve in the scene were the gang will stop the train , if you listen closely , the passengers will say " this is the usual mischief done by the train traveler" , so there the director has given us a reason that this thing is common , so the train after a short while starts to move. Or else we know it will take much longer time for the train to start after emergency stop is activated.
Small things like these and also not deviating from the core and giving us the whole anatomy of this notorious gang right from their root has only strengthened the story and it makes the whole narration and the gang stick close to our heart.
In most movie the enemy will be hyped till a certain point and after that his fate nose dives from there. But here the director has kept the hype - and it sticks too till almost three quarter of the movie , there my making us tremble each time we learn about the gang.
Karti has done EXCELLENT EXCELLENT acting. He has played it aptly. I don't think anyone would have fit the role , may be Kamal ?
Love sequence are the only downers in this movie.
Overall i would say this is the BEST MOVIE in TAMIL FOR 2017 !!
Movies like these elate the Tamil industry to new heights.
Not for the faint hearted though..