Right, well I had never heard about this 2017 thriller prior to finding it by sheer, random luck. I took a look at the movie's cover and decided to give it a chance, as I do enjoy watching movies.
Now, I must say that this movie was sort of pointless. I mean, Jason London plays a character that wakes up in a foreign country where is he held captive by people who doesn't speak English. And to top it off, he has amnesia. But it gets better, he manages to get a cell phone off of his captors and calls 9-1-1 for help, whom redirects his call to some strange, alleged government agency that will send people to help him, provided he can identify himself as an American.
How can he when he has total amnesia? And then whole concept of him talking to a strange guy on the phone, claiming to be CIA just seemed preposterous. And the whole movie just takes place in the barn, and there are no names to the characters, and the interactions between the captors and the hostage just seem ludicrous.
Director Paul Ruven wasn't really holding on to the long end of the straw here while directing this movie, and the end result was a less than mediocre movie that really offered nothing in terms of entertainment value. You, as the audience, hardly cared for the hostage (played by Jason London), nor did you ever really submerge yourself into the story and plot because it seems so farfetched. However, the one thing that did work was the twist to the storyline towards the end, so writer Mark Gaspercic did manage to pull out a surprise there. Just a shame that it did absolutely nothing to alleviate the horrendous hour and an half of torment the rest of the movie turned out to be.
I managed to endure the entire movie. So some of us suffered and took one for the team, so you don't have to. Stay well clear of this movie, unless you are a diehard fan of Jason London for some reason.