Of a film, not very sensational, but an unimagineable rewarding one and a half hour of auditorial and emotional featherlike sweeps on your senses.
most of all i will praise the score, it is now shuffeled into my top 10 list of filmscores, its a relaxing floating hum in the background that gives the film the bouyancy to float all the way to the end.
the story is a kind of flashback told story, about a happy childhood that abruptly changes into something bad and unended. this creates a nightmarish life to the main caracter, who seeks back to her roots to make an end to her traits of life. i will not tell how its going, but just say that its interesting .
the story is a fine one, but the plot couldve been better sewn together, especially on the major transitions of the film.i think the director and editor mustve had a rush on their shoulders to finish this product, but that is the only flaw i can come up with.
for the dramaqueens and scoreseekers this is a hit in the bullseye, the grumpy old man were totally lost , and what remains is just a higly recommend.