My Neighbour Adolf (2022) Set in South America (Columbia) in 1960. We find a lonely old man, who is a concentration camp survivor a Polish Jew called Mr Polski. He's lost his whole family in the holocaust and now he is hiding from the world and his past. He falls out with his new elderly neighbour whose house borders his, when they argue over the the deeds of their respective houses and the building of a fence. Suspecting that the neighbour is Adolf Hitler, he can't convince the Israel embassy of Hitler's existence. Polski has to find the proof.
What we find is the developing relationship between the two men. Despite their obvious respective histories they slowly become friends.
The film does have its comic moments, I suspects it is marketed as a comedy. The underlying sadness prevails and that along with the two leads, David Hayman and Udo Keir are excellent and they make it a great gentle film. PS there is a twist which I won't give away. 7/10.
Summary: a film about friendship.