I tried watching this movie about a year ago, and got maybe 15 minutes into it before I began fast forwarding big chunks to see if it actually went anywhere. On a whim, I decided to check its reviews today, and here I am. With only one other review on record, I decided to give this movie another chance and committed myself to viewing it entirely before writing this.
That being said, I commend myself for my patience. Is this art? Is this actually good? I cannot say. If it is good, I am not smart enough to realize it. The only thing that I did find believable and interesting were the fake interviews themselves. Each person's performance was realistic in a documentary fashion. No one seemed like they were reciting lines or nervous or insincere or anything. The only problem was, everything they were talking about was complete hogwash. And the Jupiter thing only carried the movie so far, at which point they began rambling on a tangent that I could not care any less about.
You know those little plastic tabs that connect brand new socks when you buy them? Well I had a dozen packages of socks that I was dreading cutting all these little things off of. This movie was the perfect opportunity to multitask and get this necessary but unwanted task over with. The only problem was I had to also keep raising my head to the screen to read the subtitles. The fact that the entire movie wasn't spoken in English added to its false realism.
The visuals, apart from the interviews, cannot be faulted due to this movie's very likely low budget. But even from the beginning, the lack of smoothness in the frames of animation was warning of what was to come.
The documentary itself, assuming it is "true" in this universe, would very likely never have been told like it was. Another sad side effect of the smaller budget and limited resources. There would be more flash and drama and fake footage of the things that were only spoken about by the characters interviewed within. I must admit the premise had me curious at first, but like I said before it only took minutes to realize I was duped before jumping ship last time.
So kudos for the attempt, but sadly, the most entertaining part of the movie was watching it and realizing how not entertained I was. And eventually, it's all over. Phew!