There is a lot I could have not liked about Russian Doll. I could have taken against it for being overhyped for what it is. I certainly could have been put off by the very confident and brash Nu Yark characters and their very polished lives and homes. Probably the Groundhog Day gimmick would have struck me as uninspired too. All of these things were still there, and a few more, but yet it mostly worked for me, and charmed me into it. Pace and tone are a big part of this as the episodes are just the right length, have good timing throughout, and tend to have the right energy level so you don't feel rushed but yet it has a speed to it that works well.
It does have its heart in the right place too; for all its modern trimmings and cynicism, it is ultimately about connections and people. I don't think it pulls it altogether and makes a great whole in the way that others seem to have felt it did, but it engaged me into the two main characters and made me care for them and like them. The conclusion doesn't matter so much as the journey, and for the characters this is an engaging one. The performances help sell it convincingly, and like everyone says - Lyonne is great throughout. Production-wise, the show looks and sounds great, which helps the energy levels and slickness - it doesn't make the show, but it lubricates it and keeps it moving in the superficial areas, helping the core elements which are more important but harder to do.
It's a lot more "acquired taste" than the critical response would suggest, but even when I could see the weaknesses and shortcomings, I still found it very easy to enjoy.