Looking for something new to play, I delved back into my list of unplayed PS Plus titles and downloaded "Absolver" a technical brawler, with some RPG elements.
Having created a character, players are given access to the world of Adal and told that there are certain boss characters roaming this land that must be defeated. From there, the player must learn the techniques of in game fighting, as well as managing clothing and skills levelling, whilst progressing around the sparse 3D world.
"Absolver" is one of those games that very quickly I realised wasn't going to be for me. I don't want this to be taken as me not thinking that it's good, it clearly has an abundance of care and skill that's gone into its creation. It's not ultra-high budgeted, and I think that's reflected in a game world that isn't highly populated, or with a high level of interaction - but the games fighting mechanic is one to be admired. Attacks can be parried or dodged, focus can be changed mid fight and, most importantly, the fighter's stance can be adjusted to change the attack in response to an opponent's location. Clothing can be upgraded, that has an effect of the abilities of the character, upgrades to various skill points can be collected and assigned and weaponry is also available to be used.
The problem with all that is me. At this point in my life I just don't have the time to invest to get any good at a game that has that much variation or will require that much practise to make progress in. I can't speak to whether there is much of a community for the game, as I assumed that involving other humans would likely not be any good for a newbie like me and kept my games offline.
I'm convinced that there will be an audience for this game that will truly love it, but I'm not part of it.