I have watched the opening 6 episodes several times because the story of these two characters falling in love is so warm and sweet, and I was deeply fortunate to have a precious soul mate in my own life, so I often have tears watching them. The chemistry between the actors is palpable: they are charming together and completely believable. The uses of elevators, rain, and umbrellas are nice touches that contribute figuratively to their evolving story and again at the end-with the addition of the all-important necklace. The rest of the series explores the judgmental intrusiveness of family members, with a mother figure so over the top she is an abusive, hateful cartoon figure that borders on psychopathy. Also very important is the study of workplace sexual harassment, which this series explores successfully along with the female lead's maturing as she grows into the person she wants to be. But both themes take their tolls on the love story. I do think the series finds a positive resolution that satisfies the love story; it is rushed, but it is there in the symbols as well as their joy.