Remember when movies used to have at least a morsel of originality? No? It's been a while hasn't it.
So stop me if you've heard this one. We have a group of young people making a documentary about a scary place, they go to the scary place, scary things happen, they keep recording despite scary things happening and the credits roll.
That's basically what we have here as we see them making a documentary about a factory built on the site of satanic worship and yeah that pretty much covers it. Throw in a bit of drama within the group, a love triangle, shaky cam and the usual found footage tropes and you have yourself another carbon copy movie.
So what sets it apart from the rest? Literally nothing. The cover to me made promises it didn't deliver, we've seen this all before and done considerably better.
If you like this copy and paste found footage films you may enjoy it, otherwise avoid.
The Good:
Looks better than most found footage
The Bad:
Unlikable characters
Some real illogical stupidity
Ultimate goes nowhere