Thriller/whodunnit in the style of Vanished By The Lake and Killer By The Lake. All three co-star Lannick Gautrey. Here, he is Vincent, a police captain in charge of inquiries. It seems he must untangle a number of interwoven story-lines that have all brought shock and misery to the community.
All avenues lead to a mysterious car/motorcycle accident that occurred years earlier. It was the crash that caused the death of his brother.
Who was the driver of the car that fateful night? Why did Vincent's girlfriend Alice suddenly disappear without an explanation? And who is responsible for a recent spate of deaths, including the young bride (Alice's sister) promenading on the seafront? One minute happy and resplendent in her wedding dress and seconds later falling to the rocks below.
On the face of it, the bride committed suicide, but suspicious circumstances prompt Vincent to burn the midnight oil in search of a guilty party. It's a tortuous investigation; the families concerned are known to him, so some uncomfortable moments are headed his way. Indeed, his own personal involvement ought to have disbarred him from handling the case, yet recent events have stirred up powerful memories and a strong desire to uncover the truth.
The intricate plot is thoughtfully and expertly played out in a series of clever, if slightly implausible twists. The drama never turns stale thanks to a whirlpool of family turmoil that serves to bring the characters to life and reveal some dark, lurking secrets.
If there was one minor grumble to be had, it would relate to that overplayed device that scriptwriters simply can't resist ... the wrist watch or necklace dropped at the scene of a crime! Such clumsy criminals, always! - 8.4/10.