Jai mat ze moon, internationally known as The Leakers, is an entertaining mixture of a family drama and an investigative thriller. When a dangerous virus is released and threatens the entire population of South-East Asia, a pharmaceutical tycoon quickly develops a vaccine and even donates parts of it to the population. A mysterious group of hackers known as The Leakers however kidnaps the tycoon's son and menaces to expose the truth about the tycoon's sinsiter intentions and shady past if the hefty ransom isn't paid. Two completely different cops from two different countries start Investigating and soon uncover a gigantic conspiracy with numerous twists and turns.
To be honest, the main idea of this movie is predictable and copies numerous similar movies made in Hollywood decades ago. The acting performances aren't too memorable either and it's hard to empathize with the characters. However, the film convinces with solid pace, diversified locations and some creative plot twists towards the end. The creative mixture of dynamic action scenes, sinister crime scenes and tense family drama is intertwined with some mildly humorous and romantic elements as in so many Asian films which makes The Leakers an interesting experience for the whole family.
In the end, The Leakers doesn't reinvent the investigative thriller genre and lacks tension at times but it's diversified, fast-paced and entertaining until the very end. If you like disaster films, investigative thrillers or action-comedy movies when two completely different cops need to cooperate to solve a crime, you can give The Leakers a try. However, the movie didn't leave a deeper impression and I wouldn't purchase or watch it again.