Since losing her husband, Sophie has struggled to manage grief, a full-time job, and parenting her devastated daughter, but when a former physicist reveals a secret time-bending machine, Sophie will be faced with an impossible choice for a chance at happiness again.
The film was directed and written by Jared Moshe. Well done, Jared! Already, the film has been nominated for "Best Film" at the Fantasia Film Festival.
It's helpful to know that the word "aporia" means an irresolvable, internal contradiction or logical disjunction in an argument or theory (Oxford Dictionary). It's the perfect title for this film.
I've been a fan of Judy Greer for decades. She always gets roles as the best friend or some supporting character, so I'm happy to see her as the lead in this movie. She absolutely crushes it.
All of the cast members did a great job and include Edi Gathegi, Peyman Moaadi, and Faithe Herman.
Like a lot of films these days, this one tackles the human perspective of the multiverse. I love time travel movies and loops.
I love twists, and this movie forces you to think deeply about choices and consequences.
Most movies lately tell audiences to just do whatever makes YOU happy, with no regard for responsibility or consequences. I really like that this film explores those ideas deeper.
The color palette looked muted, which I thought was a great choice because the story takes a look at reality and alternate realities. The choices weren't always clear either.
The mechanical contraption that the former physicists built looks ridiculous.
The film completely glosses over the daughter's reaction to how her father is now alive. How is it determined who will have memories and who will not? There are some plot holes like that, so try not to overthink the story too much.
The film moves quite slowly.
I didn't feel a lot of chemistry between the leading couple.
There was a rumor that this film is related to the Cloverfield franchise, but it's not.
Young kids will be very bored.
Profanity and F-bombs
Talk of a drunk driver who killed a man
Some alcohol and cigarettes
People talk about killing other people.