Inspired casting of Sean Young with Paul Dewdney who both completely exude in abundance a delightful abrasive chemistry in this pairing. The final redemptive meeting of crime lord Castlin (Dewdney) in the immediate anti-room of the afterlife where a complex and psychological chess game ensues between God and Beelzebub herself! But who is who? Dewdney is totally mesmerising from the outset as they clash swords as he lays out his case and arraignment against his denunciation by the bible, bell and candle judges for the retention of his soul as the brilliantly captivating Miss Sylvian (Young) pours pitiless scorn on his defensive play. Fiercely resolute until the final move but will he go quietly? Young, Dewdney and the wonderfully impatient and nonchalant Concierge (Zeumer) are a truly captivating trio. Dewdney has already won a couple of best actor awards for this role and rightly so. A superb short film, beautifully photographed and superb production design in tandem with a great script and direction. Catch it where you can.