If you seek an intelligent but humble television series that takes you into a fictional world you've probably never explored: and, becomes more satisfying, interesting, entertaining, complex, and compassionate with each episode-then give the Japanese television series "Smoking" a try and you'll likely become addicted.
The writers throw you into the deep end of the blood-filled Yakuza pool before you really know what's happening: and, initially the warm blood repulses, disorients, and demands your focus.
But, your tolerance for fake blood, and your patience, proves rewarding when some revealing character development (in the form of back-story) starts weaving into the current events, driving the briskly-paced 28 minute episodes.
Initially Smoking seems predictable: but, by the second hour, the main characters' individual (back) stories begin to balance the scale with some unpredictability, heart-felt emotions, and writing that eventually challenges the actors enough to demonstrate why they landed the lead rolls.
Like fine cigars, fine whiskey, and fine wine, time reveals complexity, nuance, pedigree, quality, craftsmanship and the rewards for your patience - much like the Japanese TV series Smoking.