After seeing so many mixed reviews I put off watching this show. But I've run out of things that are capturing my attention (and while waiting for the next Shogun and Tokyo Vice episodes to be aired) so I thought I'd give it a shot while I loaded the dishwasher. Ha! It totally caught my attention and the dishes never went anywhere.
Things I like about the show:
I love seeing so many quality actors and even shouted out, "OMG! That's Carol Burnett!" when I recognized her.
Even though the ladies aren't people I'd naturally root for, I like the determined pluckiness of Kirstin Wigg's character.
I also enjoy seeing the cattiness behind the veil of haughty money.
Most of the people in the show aren't young adults, more middle adult and older, my age. This make it easier for me to relate .
It's fun seeing that era come alive with all the clothing, decor, and social norms.
I'm enjoying how the story is slowly being unraveled and it makes me eager to watch the next episode.
I read one of the less favorable reviews where the person said that if the first episode doesn't drag you in then there's no point wasting time trying to watch anymore. Even though I wish everyone would be as giddy for this show as I am, I agree with the statement. But... if you are at all curious about the show, give the first episode a chance. You may find yourself with the same happy surprise as I did.