Droped into this serie a couple of days ago and last night I just got yhe idea to compare it with musicgroup. 25 episodes 35-40 minutes each. Prettys "high speed" all of them. Like a Raminens-record. 20 songs 1:30-2:30 minutes each song. 1,2, 3, 4....
I agree with all opinions I have read in this review.
The actors trying to do the best of their caracters but on and off a terrible manuscript.
The plot is good and pretty complexed. But to have watched Yellowstone, Blacklist and all thrillers and dramas like them, this is terrible.
But the directors maybe didn´t have that as a priority.
Just do a drogdealerserie, high speed handling and the most of the viewers just watched what is happening and doesn´t care about the manuscript.
But I wonder if there´s more to come ? E25 didn´t look like that was the end of the show. Or is it an S2 coming soon ?
Looking fwd to it, allthough. The plot is very exciting :).
Greetings from Sweden.