Here's the deal: I watched the 1st episode and thought it was terrible EXCEPT for the cinematography. It's French and dubbed in English... TERRIBLE ENGLISH! So, I went to my old standby, IMDbTV, to check the reviews, as I often do. I saw one review in particular that insisted it must be watched with the original French speaking actors' voices and subtitled in English (for me). This review stated that the English dubbing is so terrible and hokey that it has a terrible effect on the performances and story line. Well, I went back and did this for the 2nd episode and could not stop watching from that moment on! WHAT A HUGE IMPROVEMENT! This is a great binge-worthy show and I fell in love (or hate where appropriate) with the actors. This is well written, superbly acted and filmed beautifully. After watching it this way for a few minutes, I was completely immersed. Watch it the right way and you'll thoroughly enjoy it!