Rating: 7.3
Complete Series Rating: 7.2
This is the "afterword" and final ending of the Koyomi saga. The ending was fine, and it revealed an interesting take on the characters.
Complete Series Review:
In its entirety, Monogatari is a tightly written supernatural witty harem. While it excels in its artistic presentation, covering its own plot points, making things come full circle, making S-tier characters; it greatly lacks in engagement. Very frequently the dialogue was just unengaging and bland. This was most notable when we got large info dumps (from Gaen) and they tell us about events rather than show (ex: Shinobu's backstory pertaining to "darkness" was just an artistic slideshow). In an already dialogue-driven show, we should get to see these types of events animated rather than just talked about. This flaw made it tiresome to get through installments like Koyomimonogatari. Lastly, the fanservice can be ridiculous especially since this isn't an "ecchi", and the incest service is beyond stupid, but overall Monogatari was a well-written mixed bag. This is a niche anime and will be a hit or miss with most viewers.