Ok so I need to say that this film gets about an average rating from me because it has some problems with knowing what it is. I saw another review on here that said "know what you're watching," but like, did the director know what he wanted us to be watching? The acting is solid by the main cast at least, but all depth is only added through the acting. No real depth wouldn't be a problem if all this was was a fast-paced movie written without much character development made for the attention span of children. However, all the excessive language and allusions to sex then strip this film of being that, and I don't know if I'm supposed to want this to be more or less than what it is? If looking for more, any development by the characters, again, it's the actors who shoulder the burden of finding some development in their characters and trying to make it appear where it isn't in the script. I just think this movie could've been more, but because it couldn't decide what it wanted to be, it was just an alright watch. Nothing more, nothing less.