"Dead Dicks" is a 2019 film directed by Chris Bavota and Lee Paula Springer. The plot follows Becca (Jillan Harris), who's recently been accepted to medical school but hasn't told her mentally unstable and suicidal brother, Richie (Heston Horwin), about it. After leaving cryptic messages on her voice mail, Becca finds Richie's corpse in the closet, only to discover another version of Richie, insisting he came back from the dead.
The performances by Jillan Harris and Heston Horwin are commendable, capturing the complex dynamics between siblings. However, the acting by supporting players, particularly Matt Keyes, is inconsistent.
Atmosphere and Visuals:
The film attempts to create a dark and humorous atmosphere, but the execution falls short. The visuals are often crude and amateurish, with noticeable special effects issues.
Pacing and Plot Development:
The pacing is uneven, with some scenes dragging on and others feeling rushed. The plot development is confusing, with a lack of coherence in the narrative.
Themes and Message:
The film attempts to explore themes of depression and toxic relationships, but fails to deliver a meaningful message. The humor is often forced and fails to land.
"Dead Dicks" is a disappointing film that fails to live up to its potential. The performances are strong, but the overall production quality is poor. The film's atmosphere and visuals are unimpressive, and the pacing and plot development leave much to be desired.
Rating: 5/10.