As a Sci-Fi lover, Hello World was an unexpectedly great experience for me. As it goes for most recent anime films, the visuals are fantastic and spice up the experience the film delivers. Although, as few as they are, the characters are not deep and certainly needed more development. The way the plot is explained is also not very clear and may leave the audience baffled. These two points are probably why it is rated as it is, since probably most people didn't really understand what was going on.
But Sci-Fi-wise, the story is quite brilliant. At first it starts like a run-of-the-mill high school romance drama, but soon enough it changes with the appearance of the future Katagaki. And as the film gets into the second half, with some quick hints here and there we realize the story is more complex than what we thought it was. Saying anything further, borders on spoiling the story, so if you like Sci-Fi stories, give this one a try and enjoy.