Do you think a one-night stand can become the kind of true love we all need to build a life together, even start your own family? That is what "End of The Century" (probably) is about. We are here faced with a bizzarre, interesting and brave narrative choice - the film maker introduces us to the two main characters by some sort of imbalance between past, present and future. The challenge is certainly bold, the viewer has to keep up with the continuous timeline change, but this is what makes the movie intriguing and appreciable. The idea is to turn the emerging love story of these two guys into a whole path of life, made with fading memories of what it was, uncertainties of what it will be, and a brisk concreteness of contemporary living. The two characters are well-defined, their lives converge and diverge during these different story arcs, and the whole plot can be considered cute, simple but wacky. Notwithstanding the appearance and facial features of the two guys seem not so suffer from the flowing of time (at all), we find an average result in our hands - a movie that is nice, unpretentious, genuine and quite pleasant to watch.