In writing reviews of werewolf movies I found on YouTube for the next several days, here is one on a production made by the lowest of the Poverty Row studios-PRC. George Zucco is the Mad Scientist wanting to create wolfmen so they can aid in the fight during World War II! But he also wants revenge against his former fellow colleagues at his previous institution. His patient is a mentally challenged farm hand played by Glenn Strange who would later take over the Frankenstein monster role at Universal after Boris Karloff didn't want to do it any longer. Also in tow is Zucco's daughter Anne Nagel who I just reviewed in Man Made Monster. Like in that one, she also falls for a reporter here played by a former Our Ganger from the silent era, Johnny Downs. One notable appearance is that of Mae Busch-formerly a usual Laurel & Hardy antagonist-as Susan who I think was the mother of that little girl who's fate was not good...My verdict: this movie seems to lumber its way through 77 minutes with not much of a music score, too many repetitious lines, and not much action till the end. In fact, part of me felt like sleeping while watching. So on that note, The Mad Monster is worth a look but no more than that.