This revue-film starts (appr. 9 minutes) and finishes (appr. 15 minutes) with entertaining revue-numbers, but between these the viewer has to deal with an extremely nondescript and tendentious love story (the woman dancer can only be acceptable to the engineer if she becomes the simple German Hausfrau). Moreover, Jacoby's direction is nondescript as well, as usual. Seeing the difference in style between the revue scenes and other scenes (in all his films) I always wondered whether he was helped with the revue scenes.
Here Marika Rökk dances better and livelier than in her other films; she is sometimes really good here, not only in the revue scenes, but also as the comedienne. The rest of the cast is boring and probably not helped by Jacoby's direction; even Grethe Weiser's contribution is poor. Jacob Tiedtke, however, as the recalcitrant theater visitor has a hilarious bit part.
Is already the story tendentious, the last revue number is not only of attractive design and with ditto choreography and music, but also a political message to top the tendency of the story: the revue moves from Germany via Japan, Italy and Spain back to Germany! A clear statement, indeed.
Further the film is noteworthy for its sexual hints, of which the most clear one is the reference made to blowing up by the engineer of hill number C. Both the dancer and the engineer study the map on which hill C is situated at the bottom. This is also the film that allegedly outraged Goebbels: one of the dresses of Rökk has a décolleté until her navel. Combined with sensual dancing, it was too much: the dress stayed, but the dancing was redone and toned down.