This was the first flash gordon movie i saw on video,i later learned that this was a edited version of the second flash gordon movie"trip to mars",in this feature film,flash gordon (Larry(buster) Crabbe), dr zarkov (frank shannon) and dale arden (jean rogers), along with a bumbling reporter named happy hapgood (donald kerr) fly in their rocket ship to mars to stop ming the merciless (charles middleton) who has built a huge death ray called a nitron lamp to suck earths atmosphere and leave the earth a dead world!, throughout this film flash and his friends meet the clay people who help them defeat ming,and the meet the martian witch queen azura(beatrice roberts)!, another great performance by buster crabbe and charles middleton,but the only thing is you miss out on what the serial version has to offer,in this version you only see the forest people once,and you miss a lot of the great thrills the serial version has to offer,my advice is,see the serial version first so you can see what i'm telling you about!