.......SORT OF LIKE a Jerry Lewis picture! We mean he does 5 different characters, with only his wife, Alice (Phyllis Coates) and multi-purpose player, Phil Van Zandt hamming it up as deformed, Igor-like Lawyer, Hideous P. Scroogington, Esq.
IN THE TIME and space allowed to run one measly reel of film, Director/Writer Richard L. Bare and Writer/Star George O'Hanlon manage to do a really neat little send-up of all of those "OLD DARK HOUSE" type of pot boilers so popular in the 1930's & '40's. There is no cliché of Horror that they didn't visit.
CERTAINLY IT WAS not a vehicle designed to showcase the virtuoso acting of the Star; nor is it to be considered to display the tiffany writing and C.B. De Mille-type direction. The beauty of the MC DOAKES Series is the lack of pretension they emanate. never is there any claims nor hopes to qualify as "Art." NO SIREE BOB, these installments exist for two basic reasons; with those being: to help to fill out the program for the local exhibitors and secondly o make us laugh.
IT WOULD APPEAR that the production team succeeded, isn't that right, Schultz?