This is the story of intolerance, racism and pride in the Swedish countryside in the early 1950's. David, a hard-working good-looking man with his wife Blenda and his son, settles down in the countryside where he lease a farm outside the village Skröderhult from the elderly couple Demant. The couple Demant soon find out that David's father is the notorious character "Mördar-Frasse" who is said to have slain numerous people and, to stigmatise it even further, is a gypsy specialised in horse-trading. Soon, no one in the village wants to have anything to do with David and his family.
I am surprised that this movie hasn't got the attention it should have. After all, many of the best actors in Sweden at that time starred in this film, people such as John Elfström, Adolf Jahr etc. and the theme of racism and prejudices is still a burning topic in Sweden, especially after the discovering of the dark past when gypsies and other "unnormals" were sterilized with force by the state between 1930-1970. It is a well made movie with some of the best Swedish actors and actresses at the time starring in it and I strongly recommend everyone to see it to get a glimpse of how it was at that time in the Swedish countryside.