A delightful little ghost story
How can one write a lengthy review about a short film? Well, I am not going to try even though there is a great deal to say about such a marvellous little gem from 1955.
The short story to this short is given in the IMDB introduction.
Christopher Lee dominates this little film, supporting cast are excellent and the premise - a vengeful brother returns from the dead to take revenge against the perpetrator for his sister's disgrace and suicide is well imagined. The social values of the 1950s are honestly portrayed and all the better for that.
The music ('The Shadow Waltz') is rather soulful as well, adding to the atmosphere.
Just a 'short' rant about cinematography. Everything is as it should be. The lighting is crisp and clear. I could actually see what was happening. The sound is crisp and clear, I could actually hear what everyone said. This, my friends, made a wonderful change from today's productions with their mumbling, dim lighting and jumping camerawork.
I must say I enjoyed this little gem tremendously and could watch it again and again.
Finally, a big thank you to Talking Pictures TV for unearthing and showing this lovely 'short'.