"Ladron de Cadaveres", a.k.a. "The Body Snatcher", spins a decent yarn mixing your typical mad scientist plot with a wrestling plot device. Crox Alvarado plays Carlos Robles, a police captain working to apprehend a mad professor (Carlos Riquelme), who murders wrestlers and other strong men in order to turn them into "super-humans". Robles' old friend Guillermo Santana (Wolf Ruvinskis), who yearns for fame & fortune as a wrestler, agrees to act as bait for the villain.
This little movie isn't about to re-invent the wheel when it comes to this sort of entertainment, but it delivers the goods quite capably, with an effective pace, reasonably impressive makeup effects (victims of the mad scientists' process start degenerating), and a lively finish. The performances are all engaging, particularly from Ruvinskis as an upbeat, amiable type with an eye for the ladies; Columba Dominguez is very appealing as the secretary with whom he falls in love.
It may not hold any surprises, but "Ladron de Cadaveres" shows its intended audience a pretty good time. There's no deep thinking required; this is simply a routine but well-made and fun diversion, especially if one is already into B level Mexican genre cinema.
Seven out of 10.