"Liane, Jungle Goddess" is a slight film but one that pubescent boys would generally love. This is because in this Tarzan knockoff, the queen of the jungle is a good looking teenage girl from runs around topless (and wearing little else) during the first portion of the film. It's the sort of film that they simply couldn't have made in the US at the time due to censorship laws and I wasn't surprised that it was a German film (dubbed into English).
When the film begins, you see the usual stock footage of Africa--for the most part. It is less grainy and looks good, but it's also random--with Toucans (a South and Central American bird) and natives with blowguns (they use them in the Pacific and South America) in Africa! This sort of thing isn't that unusual in a 1940s and 50s jungle epic--and as I mentioned above, the quality of the footage is pretty good otherwise.
A group of explorers learn that there is a white teen living in the jungle amongst 'those savages', so they kidnap her and take her back to civilization. A problem arises, however, when an unscrupulous man contemplates harming Liane because she might be the heir to a family fortune--and he's counting on having this money for himself.
For this sort of movie, "Liane" is actually pretty good. While it's not a must-see or even a very good movie, it's a mildly enjoyable B-movie that has slipped into the public domain (and can be downloaded from the link on IMDb). My only serious reservation is that the actress playing Liane was only 16 and I worry that pervs might watch the film for all the wrong reasons. 12-18 year-old pervs are welcome...old creepy guys watching it are not!
By the way, I was really surprised when one of the characters was referred to as 'Mr. Goehring'. Considering it was made only a little over a decade after the war, I certainly was not expecting to hear this name in a German film!