When I was a child of about 4-5, the local Los Angeles station where we lived broadcast The Million Dollar Movie each weeknight. It was usually the same movie, night after night. On occasion, even though it was past my bedtime (much!), my mom would let me watch a movie if she felt it would hold my interest. THIS ONE DID, as I recall, and I specifically remember being able to talk her into letting me see it several times (a record, never again achieved!).
Other reviewers have given the plotline and it seems accurate, to the best of my recollection. However, regardless of how "talky" the film was, the dialog and visuals definitely made their impact, even on my fledgling brain. I have, more or less, remembered the story for 40 years. I'd like to write a script or make a film that someone else would find so memorable!
Maybe it was just that I was so young, but I remember loving this film and I would absolutely love to see it again. Maybe I'd be disappointed, maybe I'd smile at my young self, maybe I'd really like it. Who knows?