This technicolor musical biopic from MGM and director Norman Taurog charts the lives of songwriter Richard Rodgers (Tom Drake) and lyricist Lorenz Hart (Mickey Rooney), from their early successes, to their mid-career successes, to their late career successes. We also see their various romances, bot the successes and the failures.
This movie can be looked at in two parts: a biopic, and a musical showcase. As far as biopics go, this was horrendous, as not only does it not shed any real light on who Rodgers and Hart were, or take a serious look at their process, it portrays character traits that are completely fictitious, while ignoring others that are integral to understanding who these men were, particularly Hart. On the musical front, as usual, if you're a fan of this type of music, and these particular songwriters, then you'll most likely love it, as there are some of Hollywood's best belting out the tunes. I enjoyed the "Slaughter on Tenth Avenue" ballet sequence with Kelly and Vera-Ellen, even if the latter looked a bit like she was suffering from a hip disorder rather then as if she were dancing.