In New York City, rich and respectable Park Avenue ex-gangster Pat O'Brien (as Martin Martin) finds out guttery ex-partner Wayne Morris (as Dane Cory) is planning to go straight to the D.A. and squeal about the events surrounding the film's opening. As this would put Mr. O'Brien behind bars and get Mr. Morris off easily, the two men have a nasty confrontation. O'Brien takes a bullet in the shoulder, and goes on the lam. A "WANTED" man, O'Brien makes his way into the Greenwich Village neighborhood where Morris keeps an apartment for busty blonde Dolores Moran (as Lily White)...
Ms. Moran lives with her illiterate - but smartly talkative - daughter Gayle Reed (as Elsie) and their dog "Skipper". Morris likes to make time with Ms. Moran, but loathes little girl cuteness and furry animals; he wants the kid sent to school, then kicks and wounds "Skipper". The disabled canine meets O'Brien, who names him "Johnny One-Eye". Next, O'Brien meets little Miss Reed. O'Brien tells the gullible girl he's really "Santa Claus". This was based on a story by Damon Runyon, but hacks out his whimsy. Highlights include authentic New York locations and a velvety-voiced supporting cast.
**** Johnny One-Eye (5/5/50) Robert Florey ~ Pat O'Brien, Wayne Morris, Dolores Moran, Gayle Reed