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"The Relentless Four" in English. However I couldn't tell you by watching it who the "Four" are. It's great if you like lots of rocks, dirty cowboys, guns, sweat, deserts, sparse dialog, lame stunts and bad dubbing then this movie is for you. Adam West (TV Batman) is noticeably uncomfortable on a horse, shooting at bad guys or being tied up which happens a lot.
The only thing worse than the cinematography and dubbing is the plot and acting. The same townspeople who want to kill Batman for allegedly stealing some money will later thank him then give him a standing ovation as he rides out of town - this is a low budget spaghetti western, that you just can't pay enough for.
If you want a good laugh and aren't too serious about it this steaming pile of .... then it can be semi-entertaining. The last scene with the main bad guy being dragged by his horse is hilarious because his pant leg is empty and stretching as the horse gallops out of town towing him by the stirrup... the 'special' effects are funny.
* Thought: Why do all spaghetti western bad guys talk like they've smoked 9 packs of cigarettes and drank five bottles of whiskey everyday for 20 years? Whatever the reason this is a real stinker that goes beyond bad to the point that I'll watch it just to see what the director and writer will come up with next. Probably should be rated a 2 but it's comedic factor alone rates it a... 1.