After the Civil War, arms inventor Victor Barbicane (Joseph Cotten) creates a super explosive he calls Power X. But he faces public opposition from steel manufacturer Stuyvesant Nicholl (George Sanders), a supporter of the Confederacy who has an irrational hatred of Barbicane. After being forbidden from using his formula by President Ulysses S. Grant, Barbicane turns to building a spaceship that will be shot to the moon by a cannon. And he needs his arch-rival Nicholl's help to do it.
I'm perplexed as to why this one is so hated on here. At first I thought maybe it was Mystery Science Theater 3000, which is often to blame when you see an older movie on IMDb with a lot of negative reviews and a lower than deserved score. But it doesn't appear this was featured on that show. Many of the reasons given in the reviews I've read here could fit a dozen other respected sci-fi films from the same era. Complaining that the movie has dated special effects? Really? The only reason I don't rate it higher myself is because it's basically 100 minutes of the rivalry and reluctant partnership between these two men with nothing much in the way of sci-fi spectacle that you expect from a movie based on a Jules Verne novel. But those men are Joseph Cotten and George Sanders, who both give charismatic performances. This wasn't challenging stuff for either actor, and both have certainly done better, but they do very well with what they're given here. Debra Paget (with dyed blonde hair) is largely wasted. Fantastic job by Morris Ankrum in his one scene as President Grant. There isn't much in the way of effects but the little bit there is has the kind of quaint charm to it that I enjoy about period sci-fi films. Like I said, I don't get the fervent hatred of this movie. It's not one of the great sci-fi films from the Golden Age, nor is it the best Verne adaptation brought to the screen, but it's not a terrible film. It's actually quite enjoyable and a good way to pass the time. Love that final corny scene. It's a good corny, in my opinion.