This film essentially begins with a young woman by the name of "Cui Ping" (Szu Shih) walking into a small village to inquire about the location of a legendary martial arts master known only as the Lady Hermit. While there she notices a man being robbed of his valuables and immediately takes action to stop it. Although somewhat disappointed in not being able to find who she is looking for, she eventually takes up temporary residence at the local school of martial arts where she meets two particular people who live there as well. The first is a young man named "Wu Chang Chun" (Lieh Lo) who seems to be quite friendly. The second is a woman by the name of "Shang Yu-ling" (Pei-Pei Cheng) who works there as a maid. The next morning, having heard that the Lady Hermit might be at a temple in the next town, Cui Ping decides to check it out. When she gets there, however, she discovers that the people claiming to work for the Lady Hermit are part of an extortion scheme which the local villagers pay out of fear of being killed. Puzzled by this, she tells Shang Yu-ling who suggests that perhaps the name of the Lady Hermit has been misappropriated and she isn't really there at all. So, with that in mind, both Cui Ping and Wu Chang Chun decide to go there that night to investigate even further. But this time, she encounters disciples of an evil man known as the "Black Demon" (Hsieh Wang) who Cui Ping has sworn to kill upon sight. To that effect, a fight soon breaks out with both Cui Ping and Wu Chang Chun badly outnumbered. Fortunately for them, the real Lady Hermit-who is none other than Shang Yu-ling-- arrives and saves them both. The problem, however, is that the Black Demon also knows where his main nemesis now lives, and he is determined to kill the Lady Hermit at all costs. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was an entertaining martial arts film which benefited from a decent plot and lots of action. Admittedly, although I would have preferred a bit more focus on the overall plot at times, I still found this to be an entertaining martial arts film, and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.